Equine Treatment

Whether your horse is unridden, a happy hacker, a leisure horse or in full competition they can all benefit from physical therapy.  Due to the nature of their work horses often suffer from musculoskeletal issues that can affect their performance and behaviour.  They can be susceptible to certain injuries/problems depending upon their discipline, their personality, their breeding and their conformation.  Horses are athletes, and their bodies are challenged by working under saddle, or in harness.  Any musculoskeletal problem or injury will affect the entire body, often leading to skeletal misalignments, muscle spasm, pain and discomfort which will subsequently affect performance. McTimoney chiropractic treatment will not only aid your horse’s recovery, optimising their comfort and performance but can also be used to prevent injury, maintaining your horses general wellbeing..

Symptoms to look out for

  • Asymmetries, such as stiffness on one rein
  • Deterioration in usual performance
  • Unlevel movement or stance either in front or behind 
  • Lack of impulsion or unwilling to go forward
  • Unwillingness to extend
  • Refusing or knocking jumps
  • Reluctance to jump combinations or spreads
  • Rushing into canter, going disunited or striking off incorrectly
  • Stumbling or tripping
  • Uneven pressure from the saddle or the saddle slipping
  • Unexplained resistance
  • Uneven wear of shoes or repeatedly losing the same shoe
  • Sore or cold backed
  • Uneven muscle development

What are the benefits of equine chiropractic treatment?

  • Improved flexibility and mobility
  • Increased stride length and evenness
  • Improved co-ordination
  •  Increased muscle elasticity
  •  Improved circulation and neurological communication
  • Increased relaxation and decreased stress
  • Relief of pain and discomfort
  • Increased healing rate
  • Quicker recovery and less muscle soreness after exercise
  • Helps with the prevention of strain and injury

Was a privilege to watch you work it just blows my mind amazing x.”

Claire Dawson