Low Level Laser

Low Level Laser therapy is also now known as PhotoBioModulation (PBM) and perhaps more helpfully so, since its action involves the modulation of the biological activity of the body through the controlled delivery of light.

The therapeutic effects of PBM treatment were discovered by Endre Mester, a professor of surgery, who observed improved hair growth and healing in tissue adjacent to his laser surgery but where only a low laser dose was received. His subsequent work provided the initial volume of evidence for the efficacy of laser in healing.

Low Level Laser Therapy equipment delivers the appropriately low levels of light energy with negligible thermal effect thus avoiding tissue damage through heat from excess power.

The physiological responses to Low Level Laser Therapy involve stimulation of the body's natural healing processes, optimising repair and helping to restore normal cellular function. Although research on precise mechanisms continues, three key effects have been identified:

Healing growth factor response through:

  • Increased ATP and protein synthesis
  • Improved cell proliferation
  • Change in cell membrane permeability to calcium up-take 

Pain relief

  • Increased endorphin release
  • Increased serotonin
  • Suppression of nociceptor action 

Immune system support through:

  • Increasing levels of lymphocyte activity
  • Photomodulation of blood

Drug-free and non-invasive, Laser phototherapy fits well with the chiropractic ethos. It both complements and helps consolidate chiropractic work while also allowing the treatment of other conditions such as;

  • Open wounds – to optimise healing and reduce scar tissue
  • Ligament and tendon injuries
  • Arthritic joints
  • Skin conditions
  • Muscle spasm and trigger points
  • Relief from pain

"Jenny is very good at laser treatment. A huge thumbs up from me too x

Jenny Hutchinson